How would you rate JENNY HOLLIS PHOTOGRAPHY? This business is located at 2540 E. Griffin Parkway in Mission, Texas.
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How would you rate JENNY HOLLIS PHOTOGRAPHY? This business is located at 2540 E. Griffin Parkway in Mission, Texas.
On a scale of 1 to 100 please.
WE have pledged not to go to Starbucks for 4 years. It will be a challenge because WE love their coffee.
WE just want to see if WE can do it!
Could you?
2020 of all years to start this!
Having a penpal was loads of fun. You write a letter to someone far away. You wait for their reply. It was so low tech and fun.
Now the mighty internet puts you in touch in a snap.
It was loads of fun having a penfriend.
The 4 year National Nightmare that is the presidency of Donald J. Trump is almost over!
The billionaire bigot is losing 214 to 264 to Vice-President Joe Biden. 6 more electoral votes to have Joe Biden declared the 46th president of the United States Of America.
The count is slow.
WE hope Joe Biden wins for America!
Dragon It Out!
Can Democrat MJ Hegar unseat incumbent Republican Senator John Cornyn of Texas?
The voters of Texas have done their part at the polls.
WE will wait and see!
"SHOOT YOU DOWN" LIVE BY DDES Just the facts! Ya'll Ready? England's DDES is Dynamite live in concert! SThat is vital...